Octagonia Blog
Stop and Relax
Octagonia: June 2008


Your Meditation "Corner"

You can meditate anywhere, but to improve your results, set up a meditation "corner" in your home or office. If you work in a office where you have your own room, pick a corner or section and set up your private meditation area. Same goes for your home. If possible, try to make it a room or area where you can have at least 15 to 30 minutes alone to yourself each day. This setup can just be a large throw pillow and some simple additions to create a relaxation zone. One addition to consider is a small portable waterfall that you can get at most home centers. If you set the waterfall on an end table, etc. your clients, staff, and or friends will also enjoy it. The best waterfalls are the ones that allow you to control the flow of the water, that way, you can slow it to the most relaxing setting. Consider a small tape or disc player and pick out some soft music. Natural sounds and pan flute music, ie. South American (Inca) works very well. Some people prefer Oriental music. You can certainly add more, such as, incense or aromatic oils etc., the choice is yours. If you would like true, world-class incense & oils click here. The idea is to keep it simple and unobtrusive but very relaxing to you. In my next post at our Octagonia Group I will give some pointers on how to best use this space you are now going to set up.
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Last modified on Saturday, March 14, 2009.