Octagonia Blog
Stop and Relax


Healing of Mind, Spirit and Body

What about true healing? Can we really have it and how? I have formulated a way that we can. To do this, I have looked at many sources and approached it from an open mind. This, as anything in our life never reaches perfection, but, one can get to a point where you can put something into practice. The following is at that point. Let you who have wisdom follow on. First off, let's look at a simple word that really alarms most people. That word is "disease." Most everyone has been taught to mispronounce the word by saying it like, di-sease. The word is actually pronounced dis-ease or "dis" which means "not" and "ease" which means "comfortable." So students, disease or dis-ease simply means not comfortable... Now, you can plainly see, there is no more reason to be afraid of disease... For quite some time now, actually many years, I have had little to no problem with bodily disorders. Not even a cold or flu... Why? Well, it certainly isn't because I eat only the "healthiest" food, even though I try to. It also is not due to exercise. I usually sit too much at my laptop, like now... What it is, is so simple, that almost everyone on the planet misses it utterly and so completely. Join the free of charge group Octagonia, continue to listen and I will teach you. If you are thinking that there "must be" a "catch" to this, than you may go on your way now, if you like, because your mind is already trapped. You can, however, free your mind, spirit and body and I can show you how. My ONLY intent and interest is in seeing you free and well.
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Nutrition and Relaxation

At our group below, I will discuss how nutrition can affect your ability to meditate and generally relax. Poor nutrition is the cause for most so called "disease". You may not even realize that yours is poor... The Food and Drug Administration, the AMA and the companies behind them will not tell you the truth... You have to dig for yourself and or get info at places like here.

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Separation of Mind, Body and Spirit

Can mind, body, and spirit be separated? Most think so, generally because of physical 3-D so called death. It seems to me and many, many others that our 3-D body is kind of like a wrapper for our energy being (spiritual body), mind (intellect, etc.) and spirit (our eternal internal power source that is coupled to every thing else). If that is the case, then at 3-D death or passing our physical body is left behind like a candy bar wrapper and our unseen portions/parts, to the third dimension, are still in full function but at and in the dimension of their normal existence. I would like to hear from you as to what you think along this line. What happens after 3-D physical passing? I want your ideas not quotes of others, or any book, thank you.

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Your Meditation "Corner"

You can meditate anywhere, but to improve your results, set up a meditation "corner" in your home or office. If you work in a office where you have your own room, pick a corner or section and set up your private meditation area. Same goes for your home. If possible, try to make it a room or area where you can have at least 15 to 30 minutes alone to yourself each day. This setup can just be a large throw pillow and some simple additions to create a relaxation zone. One addition to consider is a small portable waterfall that you can get at most home centers. If you set the waterfall on an end table, etc. your clients, staff, and or friends will also enjoy it. The best waterfalls are the ones that allow you to control the flow of the water, that way, you can slow it to the most relaxing setting. Consider a small tape or disc player and pick out some soft music. Natural sounds and pan flute music, ie. South American (Inca) works very well. Some people prefer Oriental music. You can certainly add more, such as, incense or aromatic oils etc., the choice is yours. If you would like true, world-class incense & oils click here. The idea is to keep it simple and unobtrusive but very relaxing to you. In my next post at our Octagonia Group I will give some pointers on how to best use this space you are now going to set up.
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Last modified on Saturday, March 14, 2009.